I'm Free
posted on:2023 years
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I'm Free - The Who

I'm free

I'm free

And freedom tastes of reality

I'm free I'm free

And I'm waiting for you

To follow me

If I told you what it takes

To reach the highest high

You'd laugh and say

'Nothing's that simple'

But you've been told

Many times before

Messiahs pointed to the door

And no one had the guts

To leave the temple

I'm free I'm free

And freedom tastes of reality

I'm free I'm free

And I'm waiting for you

To follow me

How can we follow

How can we follow

I'm Free - The Who

I'm free

I'm free

And freedom tastes of reality

I'm free I'm free

And I'm waiting for you

To follow me

If I told you what it takes

To reach the highest high

You'd laugh and say

'Nothing's that simple'

But you've been told

Many times before

Messiahs pointed to the door

And no one had the guts

To leave the temple

I'm free I'm free

And freedom tastes of reality

I'm free I'm free

And I'm waiting for you

To follow me

How can we follow

How can we follow

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